Hi LesTexas60,
I challenge you to explore the WordPress eco-system. Search here or within a self-hosted WordPress plugin browser “Elementor Form” and you’ll see quite a few listings such as helper/add-ons such as pop up forms, Caldera Forms, Contactform7, and not to mention the premium plugin Gravity Forms (even e-commerce checkout ability) is excellent and works well with Elementor in my experience. Elementor Pro also has a very capable and easy-to-style web form widget that integrates nicely with services like Mailchimp, only lacking in providing a file upload field and checkout capability but many sites I have built use these forms, i.e. Landing pages, contact forms, newsletter subscriptions.
Many other plugin types also play nice and allow execution of shortcodes (if widgets are not provided) which render in the text widget. Use the rating system and try things out 1 at a time, you’ll likely stumble on some that conflict but many plugin authors are willing to adapt their plugin to catch the ride of Elementor’s growing popularity. The more compatible plugins the better!
There is a Facebook group called Elementor Community which has a Trello board of many known compatible plugins and I believe a user supported forum is in the works too.
Remember to always backup before playing with new plugins, you never can be too careful, best of success to you!