• I’ve started a weblog called eLearning Design Challenge using WordPress. Being my first venture into blogspace, I found it relatively straightforward to implement. Knowing PHP and mySQL helped. I kept the styling simple too. I wasn’t too rapt with the editor, so I hacked in a copy of WysiwigPro. This took a fair bit of effort, but looks good. Had to expand the list of allowable tags and attributes. Go take a look, and if you’re an elearning designer please participate.

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  • I like the WYSIWYG editor. Can you give a link to where the program was initially downloaded? I’d like to try to implement it into my own system.

    From following the links on the site, I got:

    I’ve spent a good deal of time looking into wysiwyg HTML editors widgets, and WYSIWYGPro is a really good one. I’ve checked out the open source / free offerings, and they’re just not up to snuff yet — FCKeditor, TinyMCE, BitFlux, Kupu, HTMLArea, SPAW — these are some of the main players.
    For my own site, I’ve decided to shell out the $47 for WYSIWYGPro. I spent a large chunk of today figuring out how to integrate it into WordPress. If anyone is interested in the code, just ask and I’ll post a zip file.
    Also, if anyone has had better experiences with the open source products above, I’d love to hear about it.

    I’d like to try out WYSIWYGPro together with WP. I used it before with simple textareas and it is simply great, especially the image handling.
    Yes, that was a request for you to post the necessary code … ??

    Okay, let’s see if I can remember what I did!…
    You have to make some changes to the file edit-form-advanced.php.
    At the top of the page, you may have to invoke ob_start, to get around some WYSIWYGPro error messages. You also have to include the necessary WYSIWYGPro editor files:


    Then, at the appropriate spot in the file, you place the editor thusly:

    $editor = new wysiwygPro();
    $editor->usexhtml(true, 'iso-8859-1', 'en');
    $editor->print_editor(600, 400);

    WordPress will load the content into the $content variable (that’s where the set_code statement comes into play), and will expect the editor name to be ‘content’ when you submit the form with changes (thus the set_name statement).
    And at the very end of the file you have to close out the ob_start:


    My entire edit_form_advanced.php file is here. Let me know if something doesn’t make sense.

    Well, now everyone in the universe has my e-mail address. Let the spam-fest begin!

    Thanks for posting your code, it at least partly works. I can edit text, save&continue does not save the content and inserting pictures won’t work. Guess I’ll have to experiment some more…
    Sorry about your mail address… ??

    Hmmm. I thought that was all I had to do. Unfortunately, I had it running for a week and then had to take it down and haven’t put it back up yet. I’ll do that one of these days soon and report back. Sorry I couldn’t give you a working solution!

    Doesn’t matter, I had bought wysiwygpro nonetheless and I like experimenting with the different editors.
    Sometimes though, I think it would be best if I just use the quicktag-editor and use an image-uploading plugin and leave it at that.
    Thanks for your efforts!

    Does WYSIWYGPro provide support for spell checking?

    We have coined a new term:

    Are you seeing REDD?

    Rapid E-Learning Development and Deployment. We have added it to acronym finder. Hopefully, we can start to have our term used.


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