• RSimpson


    Hi folks,

    I’m having a hard time finding the code to change how the category listing is displayed, can anybody point me in the right direction? If you can be bothered please also drop a reply into robert [[[[[[at]]]]]] 662c.com. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • dissurion


    Take a look at the tags here:


    I assume you’re talking about the list_cats()


    Thread Starter RSimpson


    I took a look and it’s not really what I’m after. Basically I want the categories to list as table rows instead of list items to keep it in theme with the rest of the site I’m working on so I need to know where I can edit the raw XHTML being generated.




    What about working with:

    display: table row


    Thread Starter RSimpson


    Unfortunately I can’t use it like that either ??
    It has to be like this:

    <tr><td class=”sidebar_nav_cell” onclick=”window.location.href=’

    Insert link destination

    ‘” onmouseover=”this.className=’sidebar_nav_hover’; this.style.cursor=’hand’;” onmouseout=”this.className=’sidebar_nav_cell’;”><div class=”sidebar_nav_text”><a href=”

    Insert link destination

    ” class=”sidebar_nav_link”>

    Insert link text


    If it’s not like that it won’t display the way the rest of the site does.
    I’ve added an <a href=”” in there so google can follow the links.




    Tough one. The only thing I see is modifying the templat-functions-category.php you’ll find in wp-include. Therein is the list_cats() function.
    Or maybe you can do it with the my_hacks file, but I’m not familiar with that.
    Or maybe someone else knows a solution.



    You will need to hack throught the template. The php that powers WP is written to print out unordered lists for the categories. You’ll need to switch out the ul and li markup for table code.

    Thread Starter RSimpson


    Hi Kiddeath91,

    I’m getting a look at the code just now, there’s A LOT of list item tags in there and having changed a few of them over already the page remains the same, can you point me at the right code section? So far I’ve got down to just above the RSS feed function.





    I am not a real PHP expert, but I believe that the template-functions-catgories is your file here. I hacked through WP 1.2 last year to get posts to print as unordered lists. For what you’re trying to do, you probably need to add a little bit of code as well as switch li’s for td’s. I would probably wrap the categories section in your index.php file with <table></table>. That would probably work. Then it may be just switching li’s for td’s. As for table rows, well…
    Seriously, the way I found all the code to switch was opening all of the includes files, and using Edit>Find> to locate any occurences that I needed to change. It really is more time-consuming than anything. Good luck.

    Thread Starter RSimpson



    Looking at the code I think I’ll need it.


    Thread Starter RSimpson



    Surely this should be easier than this :'(

    Thread Starter RSimpson


    I really can’t stress how urgent this has become and I haven’t been able to work it out, surely SOMEBODY reading this board MUST know which part of the code I should be editting.


    Robert is there no way to apply the table styles to a list item?
    I was a big believer in tables, but I’ve found I can do without.

    Is it a browser compatibility issue?


    First I think you want to make you’re own theme.
    And encapsulate your categories in a table


    Then change line 346 in template-functions-categories.php
    And line 386. That whole function draws the category item.

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