• Resolved 3mind



    i didn’t find a solution for my problem in this forum so far, so i hope someone can help me out.

    the problem is: i’m able to write posts, edit posts and so on for my blog successfully, but only simple text. the whole ‘editor-bar’ on top of the text-field doesn’t work, which means that i can’t make text bold, underlined, … or insert links, images the easy way (inserting html-code works of course…)

    i tried it with firefox 2 and opera 9.2 – it’s very necessary for me, that it works in at least one of these two browsers, as i’m not using IE at all (as most of you guys i think).

    tia for any suggestions.

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  • I’m running Opera 9.2 and have no problems with the formatting bar on the editor page.

    Is it possible that you’ve turned off Javascript in Opera, either for all webpages or for your own site? I’d check this by:

    Bring up the Write page.
    Right-click mouse.
    Go to “Edit site preferences…”
    Go to the Scripting panel.
    Make sure “Enable Javascript” is checked.

    (I suggest this because in another webforum I accidentally turned off Javascript for that website in Opera, and then couldn’t post <i>anything</i>. It took a little while to figure out what I’d gone and done.)

    I’d give that a try.

    Thread Starter 3mind


    Enable Javascript is checked, in both browser.

    Thread Starter 3mind


    i enabled the error console, and here is the message when i try to strikethrough a word:

    maybe this helps?

    JavaScript - https://www.3mind.at/wp-admin/post-new.php
    Javascript URL thread: "javascript:tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand('mce_editor_0','Strikethrough',false);"
    name: TypeError
    message: Statement on line 2486: Type mismatch (usually a non-object value used where an object is required)
      Line 2486 of linked script https://www.3mind.at/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?ver=20061113&theme=advanced&language=&plugins=inlinepopups%2Cautosave%2Cspellchecker%2Cpaste%2Cwordpress%2Cg2image&lang=&index=0
        tinyMCE.switchClassSticky(editor_id + "_g2image", "mceButtonNormal");
    if (node == null)
        while (node = node.parentNode);
    return true;
      Line 1 of eval script
        o.handleNodeChange(a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7], a[8], a[9]);
      Line 96 of linked script https://www.3mind.at/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?ver=20061113&theme=advanced&language=&plugins=inlinepopups%2Cautosave%2Cspellchecker%2Cpaste%2Cwordpress%2Cg2image&lang=&index=0
        var l, i, on, o, s, v;
    s = m == 2;
    l = tinyMCE.getParam(p, "");
    if (l != "" && (v = tinyMCE.evalFunc(typeof l == "function" ? l : eval(l), 3, a)) == s && m > 0)
        if (ins != null)
        l = tinyMCE.themes;
    for (on in l)
        return false;
      Line 93 of linked script https://www.3mind.at/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?ver=20061113&theme=advanced&language=&plugins=inlinepopups%2Cautosave%2Cspellchecker%2Cpaste%2Cwordpress%2Cg2image&lang=&index=0
        return this.callFunc(i, p, n, 0, this.dispatchCallback.arguments);
      Line 63 of linked script https://www.3mind.at/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?ver=20061113&theme=advanced&language=&plugins=inlinepopups%2Cautosave%2Cspellchecker%2Cpaste%2Cwordpress%2Cg2image&lang=&index=0
        if (tinyMCE.selectedInstance)
        if (this.selectedInstance && (typeof focus == "undefined" || focus))
          Line 148 of linked script https://www.3mind.at/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?ver=20061113&theme=advanced&language=&plugins=inlinepopups%2Cautosave%2Cspellchecker%2Cpaste%2Cwordpress%2Cg2image&lang=&index=0
        img.setAttribute("align", "right");
    var div = focusElm.parentNode;
    if (div && div.nodeName == "DIV" && div.childNodes.length == 1 && div.parentNode)
    return ;
    if (tinyMCE.settings["force_br_newlines"])
        switch (command)
        case "mceRepaint":
        case "unlink":
        case "FormatBlock":
        case "InsertUnorderedList":
        case "InsertOrderedList":
        case "Strikethrough":
        case "mceSelectNode":
        case "FormatBlock":
      Line 37 of linked script https://www.3mind.at/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?ver=20061113&theme=advanced&language=&plugins=inlinepopups%2Cautosave%2Cspellchecker%2Cpaste%2Cwordpress%2Cg2image&lang=&index=0
    return true;
        case "mceFocus":
        case "mceAddControl":
        case "mceAddEditor":
        case "mceAddFrameControl":
        case "mceRemoveControl":
        case "mceRemoveEditor":
        case "mceResetDesignMode":
    if (inst)
          Line 2233 of linked script https://www.3mind.at/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?ver=20061113&theme=advanced&language=&plugins=inlinepopups%2Cautosave%2Cspellchecker%2Cpaste%2Cwordpress%2Cg2image&lang=&index=0
        re = this.orgExecCommand(command, user_interface, value);
      Line 34 of linked script https://www.3mind.at/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?ver=20061113&theme=advanced&language=&plugins=inlinepopups%2Cautosave%2Cspellchecker%2Cpaste%2Cwordpress%2Cg2image&lang=&index=0
        var inst = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(editor_id), r;
    if (inst)
          Line 1 of unknown script
        tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand("mce_editor_0", "Strikethrough", false);
    Thread Starter 3mind


    anyone, please ?

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