• I’m using the editor for custom taxonomies (as well as for builtin categories and tags).

    This plugin, rather very usefull, gave me hard times after few edits:

    I was modifying some other terms’ fields (keeping the description as was), so I didn’t notice it was not shown by editor (even though, it had been loaded in the source code) at all… After hitting “save”, description has been removed in database…

    I found, that when my problematic terms’ descriptons end with whitespaces (in my case this exact string in the end in database field description: “\r\n\r\nNBSP” (NBSP = html space entity, I can’t write it here – it is still being replaced) ). TinyMce didn’t load them -> I had to fix few terms in DB…

    But it is serious bug, because sometimes, editors write in some word/openoffice-like application and then copy&paste to wordpress… white spaces in the end are really problem for later modifications of the description…


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