FWIW, the theme and plugin editors are seen as a security risk and are frequently disabled. If not by the host, then by many site owners. It’s very risky editing the active theme. One small syntax error and the entire site can become inaccessible. The editor does not allow for creating backup files either, there is no way to revert your changes. Thus you must have access through FTP to be able to recover from little accidents. And if you have FTP access, there is little point in using the editor at all except for quick little changes.
I suggest that having no editor access is a good thing. Use FTP, it’s better all around, though it is not as convenient. If you still must, check your wp-config.php for a constant definition for DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT. If there is, define it as false. Also check your .htaccess (for Apache) file for anything that may block access to the editor PHP files.