• Hi. I’m fairly new to WordPress and, though I have an adequate understanding of it’s features, I need help tweaking the header for my new site. Unfortunately, I don’t know PHP so I haven’t figured anything out on my own.

    What I have is a typical WordPress theme. A demo can be found here (https://www.jinsonathemes.com/demo/?themedemo=chronicle). I want to get rid of basically everything in the header and re-do it.

    I want my logo to be in the middle of the header and I want one widget area on either side of my logo.

    Is there any way to easily do this?

    Thanks so much

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  • Josh Feck


    From what I can see from that demo, here’s two options.

    1) Install firebug and tweak the css. Adding widgets will require registering a new widget type in functions.php.

    If option 1) sounds a bit tricky, I recommend finding a theme that will let you make those customizations without wrangling too much code. There’s Builder, Canvas, Headway, Startbox, Genesis just to name a few. Or check out the themefinder at wpcandy.com to help find a theme that better fits the look you’re going for.

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