• I am following a tutorial to create virtual tours and it suggests changing some of the php files for the revslider. Please see the following instructions:

    Modify Slider Revolution Files

    Slider Revolution can fit the photos on the screen using various methods. By default, it displays the photos in “cover” mode. This means the photo will be showing full-screen, and any piece of the photo that extends beyond the browser will not be visible. I personally don’t like this method because the viewer’s browser will be cutting off portions of the photo so they won’t see the entire image as intended. To get around this, we need to tell Slider Revolution to fit the photos in “contain” mode, meaning it will stretch the photos to fill the screen however once one side of the photo reaches the edge of the screen, it stops expanding the photo.

    Open the following files in a text editor (I use TextWrangler in OSX but any will do as long as you don’t change the file extensions during the process) and search for all instances of “Cover” and replace with “Contain”:

    However, the slider was included in my theme, so I couldn’t ediit the files as suggested in the origial txt…. the person suggested i go directly to the editor. But the only file I could find was the revslider_output.class.php. I asked the person providing the tutorial who said that they may have combined the files in the lastest version…. but I can’t tell. Does anyone know if Revslider as these files that can be edited?


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