Ok, I was a little confused, but I now understand that https://imgur.com/r1oxL5z is the view of the page with the form, not the post listed in https://imgur.com/hoeK0GP
I assume if you open https://imgur.com/hoeK0GP then you see an empty post. This is because there is nothing in the post_content field. Whatever is in post_content in the form becomes the content of the post.
If you want to get the other form values (make, startdate, etc.) then you need to find a way of copying that information into the post_content field. You can try to do this (1) on the front end using some Javascript prior to submit or (2) register a hook in CF7 or (3) modify FormToPost_Plugin.php to do it. I would recommend (2).
In fact I think you can avoid changing code in hidden.php and my plugin by using a CF7 hook instead. If you modify a plugin, then you loose your changes if you update the plugin. Using a hook is a better way to go.
I’ll suggest my own Add Actions and Filters plugin which gives you an admin page to place PHP code in. Then I would put code like this leveraging CF7’s wpcf7_posted_data hook (I haven’t tested it! Just giving you an idea).
function set_form_to_post_values($posted_data) {
$posted_data['post_status'] = 'pending';
$posted_data['post_content'] = 'Make:' . $posted_data['text-227] . '<br/>Start Update:' . $posted_data['text-8'] . '<br/>Model:' . $posted_data['text-246'];
$rebate_time = date("m/d/Y @ h:ia");
// Actually get_the_title() won't work here in the hook callback functions...
// ... might try adding javascript to page to set the value of a hidden field
// which could be accessed here.
// see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18023030/how-to-get-post-title-by-javascript-before-submission
$rebate_type = 'TBD'; //get_the_title();
$posted_data['post_title'] = $rebate_type." submitted on " .$rebate_time;
return $posted_data;
add_action('wpcf7_posted_data', 'set_form_to_post_values');