Editing page.php
Hello my site https://www.gotodesigns.co.uk/ is using a child theme. I have hard coded the page.php file to include the three divs you`ll see upon landing. I have set the front page to static and all references to the loop are stripped from the page.php file.
What i would like to know is if this a good practice or common way to go about creating a unique homepage layout through a child theme?
I have also as i suspected made every new page i create contain the homepage content, which obviously i don`t want to do. Is there a function that hides all references on internal page, if home display: none? Or some such. Just guessing obviously. I just want a fairly unique home page that has two top columns below a large jQuery slider. And would like the ability to feed latest posts into one of the columns/divs i made. I am thinking i need to create possible a new php file with home.php as the name maybe, and create the layout in this? and then other php files wont be affected, and if this is the case how do i get WordPress to display this page as the homepage? Am i even close to the mark here?
Thanks for looking
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