• Hi,

    I have zero knowledge of WordPress..I would like to make some minor changes to my sidebar, and a few other things..I am unable to edit from the Theme Editor (message on bottom says:”If this file was writable you could edit it.”)
    How to I make the files writeable? I assume the hta access thing?
    If so, how? (please be very detailed in your reply)
    Is it easier just to edit the files that are stored here: /public html/wordpress?
    If so, how do I even know which files to edit? There are so many..
    Is there a basic tutorial somewhere for how to edit sites created in WP?
    my coding experience is limited to about 3 weeks of a C programming class (a 16 week class, that broke my desire to get a BS in Computer Science)and I know enough HTML to create bold letters, and now I can do bullets..LOL

    I appreciate any assistance!



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  • Baart,

    You need to “CHMOD” your theme files (all the files under your wp-content/themes/”the theme you want – directory”/) to be 777 (writeable).

    You can do this using an FTP program like Filezilla. If you choose to use Filezilla, login to your site, change directories (by double clicking on them) to the theme files of your choice. Highlight the ones you want, right click, select “change attributes”. Type in (or check writeable on all) 777 in the selection box. This will allow WP to edit those files within the admin panel.

    Brian, you change the permissions (to “writeable” for instance) on files through the Cpanel on your site. Or if you don’t have Cpanel or similar functionality, then you will need to work through your FTP client.

    The best way to edit files like you are wanting to do is to edit them on your hard drive, then upload them to your site, then access them and change the permissions either with your FTP client or your Cpanel etc.

    If you can tell me which method you use, I can give you some further direction.

    Thread Starter baart


    Thanks for the help! I was able tochange file permissions through C panel..
    However, I tried changing all permissions for the folder “Soothe” (the Theme I am using) and this didn’t work..I had to individually change permissions for the files that I wanted to tweak..
    Now I need to figure out how to tweak..

    Yep. Cpanel giveth and taketh away. Still far easier than messing about with an FTP client!

    Tweaking’s fun. Just make sure you only work on backed-up files…. I always keep 2 or 3 “vanilla” sets around – those are the ones that I know work!

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