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  • Thread Starter mrkapital


    I found the solution to my first question:

    Editing the overview.php in wpmovielibrary/views/movies/headbox-allocine/tabs gets it.

    The problem with the translation is still there.

    Hi mrkapital,

    Note that template files can be overridden; you can simply copy the plugin’s overview.php file into your theme’s folder and that file will be used instead. Just create a wpmovielibrary/views/movies/headbox-allocine/tabs/ folder in your theme’s folder, copy overview.php into that folder and edit it your way. This will avoid your modifications to be erased on each plugin update.

    As for the translation issue, simple enough: the German translation is just out of date. I don’t speak German so I’m not the one handling that part, there’s a contributor working on it. Should be better with the next update!

    You can edit the overview.php to label it how you want.

    Example: Line 64: <span class=”wpmoly headbox allocine movie meta label”><?php _e( ‘Year of production’, ‘wpmovielibrary’ ); ?> </span>

    Just change ‘Year of production’ to what you want it to read.

    If you wanna get rid of the Casting and photos section without edeting the overview.php (maybe you want to add them later) You can just hide them with css.{

    You can also improve the translation if you have time; you can translate the .po file ( using Poedit. Feel free to submit your edits at support[at]wpmovielibrary[com] ??


    i have tried to change ‘Year of produktion’ as you said but it will not change in the frontend.

    I created a wpmovielibrary/views/movies/headbox-allocine/tabs/ folder in my child theme and copied the overview.php into that folder.

    Where’s the fault?

    Best regards,

    You should skip the views folder. Like this : wpmovielibrary/movies/headbox-allocine/tabs/

    You are the best!
    Thanks so much!

    Best regards,

    Good call lillprinsen! The views folder is only used in the plugin’s folder, in the theme’s it is replaced by a more self-speaking wpmovielibrary folder ??

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