• i took out the code that it said to take out if i wanted to use my own header (in the header.php file of the default code). i uploaded my own header as images/personalheader.jpg like it said, and it’s still showing the one that is default image (well, with the different colors that i set it to) and not the one that i uploaded as personalheader.jpg.

    does anybody know how i can get it to show the personal header that i’ve made?

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  • I’m having the same problem. Will someone please help?

    errr, I’m having the same problem, too! Pleeeease help.

    Here’s the way I got it to work:

    Rename your image to: kubrickheader.jpg
    go to wp-content/themes/default/images
    and upload your jpg.

    Refresh and it’ll work right as rain.

    What if the theme doesn’t have an original image? I have searched and seems like I’ve tried everything to get this image to display over the almost-spring theme ??

    I haven’t looked at the theme you got, but it seems like that is a css issue. The css file for the theme might be calling a background image and I would assume you are placing the header image in the header.php file? I’d suggest figiting with the css file first as opposed to the header file. You avoid messing any of that beautiful php up. You might need to give a little more detail in what you have tried to do, if that doesn’t work.

    a link would also help – better to see the code in question than trying to diagnose it blindly!

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