Editing Footer PHP in Pagelines
In my footer there is default text of my website address. Unfortunately, my website name is long so the text is overlapping the box beside it. I need to remove this default website address. The offending code in the Footer.php is, I believe:
<div id="logo"> <?php if(pagelines_option('footer_logo') && VPRO):?> <a class="home" href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" title="<?php _e('Home','pagelines');?>"> <img src="<?php echo pagelines_option('footer_logo');?>" alt="<?php bloginfo('name');?>" /> </a> <?php else:?> <h1 class="site-title"> <a class="home" href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" title="<?php _e('Home','pagelines');?>"> <?php bloginfo('name');?> </a> </h1> <?php endif;?> </div>
But when I delete it, there is no change. Other attempts to edit crashed my site. Now I’m paranoid because I clearly do not know what to remove. Any help appreciated. Here is the full footer.php:
<?php /* Section: Simple Footer Navigation Author: Adam Munns Description: Creates footer navigation. Version: 1.0.0 */ class PageLinesSimpleFooterNav extends PageLinesSection { function __construct( $registered_settings = array() ) { $name = __('Simple Footer Navigation', 'pagelines'); $id = 'simple_footer_nav'; $default_settings = array( 'description' => __('A single column footer for a simpler footer navigation', 'pagelines'), 'workswith' => array('footer'), 'description' => 'Footer Site Navigation.', 'icon' => PL_ADMIN_ICONS . '/map.png' ); $settings = wp_parse_args( $registered_settings, $default_settings ); parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings); } function section_persistent(){ register_nav_menus( array( 'footer_nav_simple' => __( 'Page Navigation in Simple Footer Section', 'pagelines' ) ) ); } function section_template() { ?> <div id="logo"> <?php if(pagelines_option('footer_logo') && VPRO):?> <a class="home" href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" title="<?php _e('Home','pagelines');?>"> <img src="<?php echo pagelines_option('footer_logo');?>" alt="<?php bloginfo('name');?>" /> </a> <?php else:?> <h1 class="site-title"> <a class="home" href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" title="<?php _e('Home','pagelines');?>"> <?php bloginfo('name');?> </a> </h1> <?php endif;?> </div> <?php function nav_fallback_simple() {?> <ul id="simple_footer"> <?php wp_list_pages( 'title_li=&sort_column=menu_order&depth=1'); ?> </ul><?php } if(function_exists('wp_nav_menu')): wp_nav_menu( array('theme_location'=>'footer_nav_simple','depth' => 1, 'fallback_cb'=>'nav_fallback_simple') ); else: nav_fallback(); endif;?> <span class="terms"> <?php e_pagelines('footer_terms');?> </span> <?php } } /* End of section class */
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