I apologize for my seemingly chauvinist assumption, girl!
I created a new user and logged in as that, but the edit window was still way too long.
I mentioned that I use a very long table in my posts. The posts were fine until one day the edit window limited my attempts to resize it. It would allow resizing up to a point, but would snap back to the too long size.
I’m wondering if updating WP caused the problem. I know the update was at around the same time, but can’t remember exactly the sequence of events.
I have not, as yet, deleted the old user name and transferred posts then add my old user name back and transferred posts again as I’m not sure what that means or how to do it. I know how to delete a user name, but the bit about transferring posts confuses me.
I’m not too savvy on WP press yet. I’ve been using Microsoft Front Page for ten years and just recently bit the bullet and joined the modern world.
I’m getting brain drain from this problem and troubleshooting all my other gizmos that don’t work right. I don’t think technology is ready for the masses yet.