Unfortunately that is not what the original poster is looking for. Abelcreative is looking to change the title=”” attribute inside the HTML that is generated by the wp_list_pages() function, which is something I’ve been looking to do as well.
What you offered only changes the heading content that gets generated by the widget.
Say for example that you have a link to a contact page and the WordPress Page title is “Contact”. The Page title will get echoed on the menu as the content for the anchor element, as well as the value of the anchor’s title=”” attribute. If you want to change “Contact” to “Send Me an Email” you’re going to quickly find that you can’t do it because the function simply will not let you.
Unfortunately the only “solution” I’ve found was to rip the function out of the theme and just hand-code the menu list directly, though this does mean that you will have to manually add to your header.php (or sidebar.php depending on where your Page menu goes in your particular theme) each time you want to edit the menu.