• kcoombs



    I’ve been trying to use the Edit Permalink Structure page under options to create a different structure for my permalinks. However, when I put any of the suggested structures it breaks all the navigation links (archives, catagories) on my site. It also breaks the links to the RSS feed. I’m using WordPress 1.5. I tried the method where you need to add things to your htaccess file and the one where you don’t but neither work. Can anyone help me?

    My blog is at https://www.librarywebchic.net

    The links are working right not because I don’t have the custom permalink structure turned on.

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  • Is it not true that .htaccess is a non-Windows/IIS server necessity? If so, that should be made clear in posts like this on modifying permalink structures, etc.

    Moderator James Huff


    My post URL’s are working great. I just ported over a blog from b2evolution, and all’s well. I didn’t have a single URL change…

    But I just tried to create a static page through WP’s admin, and the URL doesn’t work. All the other pages have the correct URL structure, but not the static pages. Has any one else encountered this?

    Oh, and for those of you having the problem of WP rewriting your .htaccess and breaking it all over again… delete your .htaccess from the server and then reupload it. Or change the permissions manually and make it not writeable.

    thinkeric, I have the same problem. But Apache 2.


    I have the same problem with the static pages. When I started I had the “default permalink structure”, and I could write and save one page.

    Then I started fiddling with my permalinks, and finally did get them into a form that pleases me (or my eye, rather). But now only the first statc page works. Whenever I try to write and save a static page, and then go to my blog, and click on it, I will get a “page not found” error.

    I know, most certainly, that if I go back to the original permalink structure, I will get the static pages working, but I so much like my permalinks now…!

    The URI to my blog is https://www.squash.nu/blogi


    Okay, this is a pain in the butt… but it works!

    I have a modified .htaccess file, and I can’t allow WP to modify it, because it breaks my site every time it updates it. I’m guessing that you who are having the permalink static page problem also do not have WP automatically updating their .htaccess. So…

    What fixed this problem of static pages not working with permalinks, I just had to resave my settings and then cut and paste the new .htaccess code from the permalinks page into my .htaccess file, upload, and then voila! The page works…

    If I figure out how to make it so the automatic updating of .htaccess doesn’t break my site, I’ll report back to this thread and let y’ll know if that also fixes the static page permalink issue.

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