• Hello!

    I have been working on WordPress sites (both as a developer and maintainer) and with the latest release of WordPress I have found a bug (which is a first for me!)

    If an image is placed in a page/post and the edit icons are hovering over the image when you click “Update” or “Publish” those icons appear below the image on the live page/post.

    Has anyone else noticed this? I have seen it happen on multiple WordPress sites so I believe it is a WordPress glitch.

    Thanks for any and all feedback!

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  • Hey,

    Cool that you think you’ve found a bug. You should open a ticket here for it to be taken seriously though. You won’t get your voice heard on the support forums, nor the same credit for contributing to Core if the bug you found is real


    You won’t get your voice heard on the support forums

    On what do you base that?

    nor the same credit for contributing to Core if the bug you found is real

    People don’t get credited for finding bugs or posting Trac tickets.

    @tderouindesign: Can you replicate the issue on a fresh install of WordPress with no active plugin & using the 2014 theme?

    I base that on everything I’ve been taught on how to contrib bugs to core from meet up groups Emsi. If I’m wrong, you can correct me, but I didn’t pull it out of the air.

    Then I don’t know what meetups you’ve been going to but someone has been feeding you incorrect information. Very often, if a real bug is found, the forum regulars are the first to try and file it in Trac if the original poster doesn’t feel able to. But before it reaches that stage, the poster needs to determine if it is, indeed, a big or whether it’s specific to a given environment.

    Step 1: can the issue be replicated on a fresh install with no active plugins?

    Step 2 (optional): can the issue be replicated on a fresh install on a different server with no active plugins?

    Step 3: can other people in the forums replicate the issue by following exactly the same steps?

    Step 3 is where most “bugs” actually turn out to be site/server specific issues and not bugs at all.

    Thanks for the info, noted for future. Had this poster not identified as both a developer and maintainer excited about finding a bug, I may not be so quick to suggest a putting a ticket in trac. It certainly wouldn’t be wrong to put it there either.

    Thread Starter Tim Derouin


    This is still a recurring issue, I have seen it occur on fresh installs of WordPress using the default twentyfourteen theme. If you click on an image in the editor the two icons appear (pencil and X). If you do not click on either icon and then click the Update or Publish button, the icons appear in the page/post. The icons can also appear if you just place an image and do not click anywhere else within the editor prior to Update/Publish. Although that seems to be intermittent.

    It is easy enough to fix if and when it happens, just annoying.

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