• Resolved Koala Bear


    I’m running WP-4.1 Premiumpress RT 8.0 with child theme Newwave 1.2 All the latest versions.

    My Login Logout has been great up to the latest updates. With the plugin running I am unable to open an edit screen by clicking the “edit” icon, which is the normal way it should operate.

    Instead after I click on the “edit” icon I have to then click on the “Add New” to get to the related edit screen.

    Disabling the My Login Logout plugin returns everything to normal.

    I have read all the resent info and have deleted the plugin, reinstalled a fresh copy downloaded today, activated, deactivated and then reactivated, but nothing changes.

    Perhaps the WP 4.1 update is the issue????


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  • Thread Starter Koala Bear


    Or Premiumpress 8.0 or the childtheme. I haven’t a clue

    Plugin Author nagarjunsonti


    Actually i tested on 4.1 version also,
    no problem I will look at again.

    Thanks for your time

    Thread Starter Koala Bear


    I appreciate your assistance.

    It is only happening in “theme Options/listing Setup- Custom Fields – and Listing Packages and Membership packages”.

    When clicking the “Edit” Icon the screen normally goes grey and a module pops up allowing editing.

    With My login/logout active I don’t get the grey screen and editing module until I additionally click “Add New Custom Field” or “Add Listing Package” or “Add membership Package”. After this additional step, the screen then turns grey and the editing module appears.

    Other edit functions where a new page appears for editing is not affected, such as editing an existing page.

    Plugin Author nagarjunsonti


    I am expecting Jquerey conflicts.

    If you are facing problem, please comment the line no: 124 in login_logout.php file.
    “wp_enqueue_script( ‘jquery-2.0.2-min-js’, plugins_url( ‘/js/jquery-2.0.2-min.js’, __FILE__ ));”

    Still if you facing problem, it appreciated send screens shots to [email protected]

    Thread Starter Koala Bear


    nagarjunsonti –

    Thank you for the info. That exact line wasn’t present.

    I commented out this line and everything is back to normal. Please advise if I used the wrong line.

    //wp_register_script(‘jquery-2.0.2-min-js’, plugins_url(‘/js/jquery-2.0.2-min.js’, __FILE__), array(‘jquery’),’2.0.2′, true);

    Thank you for your prompt responses. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

    Plugin Author nagarjunsonti


    Dear Kola Bear,

    No It’s right.

    Thanks for your support and patience.

    Plugin Author nagarjunsonti


    Hi All,
    I fixed the bug, Please download it, otherwise copy and past the code.

    Change the entire code in myjs.js file with

    “var myloginlogout = jQuery.noConflict();

    myloginlogout( “#login-dropdown” ).hide(1000);
    myloginlogout( “#custom_loginid” ).show(1000);
    myloginlogout( “#show_custom_login_button” ).hide(1000);


    myloginlogout( “#custom_loginid” ).hide( 1000);
    myloginlogout( “#custom_login_url” ).val(“”);
    myloginlogout( “#login-dropdown” ).show(1000);
    myloginlogout( “#show_custom_login_button” ).show(1000);//button




    Replace the 2 lines of code in loginlogout.php file( Line number:131 and 132)

    “wp_register_script(‘jquery-2.0.2-min-js’, plugins_url(‘/js/jquery-2.0.2-min.js’, __FILE__), array(‘jquery’),’2.0.2′, true);


    “wp_register_script(‘jquery’, ‘https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js’, false);

    I am sorry for troubling you very much.
    Thanks for your support

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