Noticed that too.
Did you view the console?
Mine said:
current_user_can_publish_posts is not defined
custom-status/lib/custom-status.js line 12.
Basically edit flow needs to not run on that page, but does because it’s a post/page/custom edit page.
This is an absolute terrible hack, but it was the first thing in my head. In modules/custom-status/custom-status.php search for the function action_admin_enqueue_scripts around line 235. At the beginning of the function I added:
global $current_screen;
if(strpos($current_screen->base, 'cms-tpv')){
I really need to disable that module but that’s the function that loads the scripts. Also, rather than disabling it on that one page, the plugin really just needs to enable with more specific criteria to prevent future conflicts.
For now anyway, it works.
Btw, when I try to show children posts, they don’t come out. Even with edit flow uninstalled. No js error, and it seems to try to load it with ajax, which I found odd. Am I the only one?