Edit css in active-styles.css directly
I have just taken over a site where the previous website manager (I imagine a designer with no coding skills) used Microthemer to style a Gravity Form.
The thing is a dogs breakfast and I need to sort it out however honestly Microthemer is not helping me to do so. I can see the problematic styles in the browser when inspecting the elements and in the microthemer inspector but I cannot edit the styles. The problem seems to be the selectors used: nth-child(12) etc. Even if I choose the affected element and change the selector to be exactly as per the stylesheet in microthemer I cannot see the problematic styles in the “code editor” so I cannot actually edit them. The “code editor” also only shows styles for the current element and selector not the full css code. What a pain!
How can I edit active-styles.css directly in full? I can only view active-styles.css in microthemer settings and I cannot seem to edit it. I even tried to export and import option but that seemed confusing asking what to export and no option to just export the whole file. I just wanted to export the whole active-styles.css so I can edit it locally then import it again.
Will it mess microthemer and it’s revisions up if I edit active-styles.css directly using FTP?
How can I edit the css in Microthemer like an adult who actually knows how to code and wants to see the whole css file code and edit any and all selectors in the file?
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