• Resolved ageingdj


    Hi there, Sorry about this but I’ve asked EDD (Easy Digital downloads) about this & was told to ask you!
    EDD shortcode [downloads category="112"] gives the correct info but I can’t figure out how to change the CSS – the font is “budmojiggler” , red, 84px and looks horrible!
    I just can’t find this css anywhere (I’m sure it wasn’t me that did this) to change it – any ideas please.
    (I’m not much of a coder so answers in simple lanquage please).
    F12 shows this:

    DIV DIV DIV.edd_download_inner H3.edd_download_title A {
        font-size: 84px !important;
        color: #f71313 !important;
        font-family: 'budmojiggler' !important;

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • sacredpath


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi there, I’ve downloaded that plugin and looked through all of the files and cannot find that CSS anywhere. Something you have installed on your site is inserting that directly into the HTML of the page. If you view the source code of that page, you will find this:

    <style type="text/css">@font-face {
    			font-family: 'budmojiggler';
    			src: url('https://ageingdj.com/wp-content/plugins/font/font_files/budmojiggler.eot');
    			src: url('https://ageingdj.com/wp-content/plugins/font/font_files/budmojiggler.woff') format('woff'),
    			url('https://ageingdj.com/wp-content/plugins/font/font_files/budmojiggler.eot') format('eot'),
    			url('https://ageingdj.com/wp-content/plugins/font/font_files/budmojiggler.ttf')  format('truetype');
    PICK AN ELEMENT NOW - or type CSS selector(advanced) {
    font-size: 30px !important;
    color: #444 !important;
    DIV DIV DIV.edd_download_inner H3.edd_download_title A {
    font-size: 84px !important;
    color: #f71313 !important;
    font-family:'budmojiggler' !important;}

    There is some plugin or something that you have installed that has created and added that to your site. Do you have any font plugins installed?

    It is not the theme, and it is not the plugin as far as I can tell. What you might have to do is to disable your plugins one at a time and then force refresh you downloads page and see which one is causing the issue.

    Thread Starter ageingdj


    Hi there,

    I’ve been using every search/find tool I could get my hands on to locate this code with no luck (I thought I was cracking up!) so started on the plugins & got lucky almost strait away!
    The plugin is simply called “Font” By Pawe? Misiurski and disabling it got rid of the terrible font.
    (Now all I have to do is figure out is how to style the EDD Download shortcode output!).
    Many thanks



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hooray and glad you found the culprit. You know where we are if you have questions on the customization. ??

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