EDD 1.9.8 prevents menu editing
Hey Pippin
Just noticed that I cannot add items to my menu. I deactivated Easy Digital Downloads and now my menus work again. I thought you’d like to know.
Let me know if you need screens/videos or repro steps.
Can you check to see if there are any javascript errors present on the page?
Yeah there area couple:
Consider using 'dppx' units instead of 'dpi', as in CSS 'dpi' means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual 'dpi' of a screen. In media query expression: only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 144dpi)
Consider using 'dppx' units instead of 'dpi', as in CSS 'dpi' means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual 'dpi' of a screen. In media query expression: print, not all, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25), (min-resolution: 120dpi)
I’m also getting this error but it doesn’t tell me from where:
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.
Those are generic errors coming from jQuery loaded by WordPress core, not EDD.
Do any additional errors popup when you try and click “Update” or when you try and add a new menu link?
It just spins the wheels and goes nowhere. Or, in the case of the menu, it acts like it adds a new menu item but it’s nowhere to be found. And as soon as I deactivated EDD everything started working again.
Can you post your Downloads > System Info for me?
THAT is genius. Yes. Here it is.
### Begin System Info ###
## Please include this information when posting support requests ##
Multisite: No
SITE_URL: https://www.aworkofcarte.com
HOME_URL: https://www.aworkofcarte.comEDD Version: 1.9.8
Upgraded From: 1.9.8
WordPress Version: 3.9
Permalink Structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/
Active Theme: A Work of Carte 1.0.0Test Mode Enabled: No
Ajax Enabled: Yes
Guest Checkout Enabled: Yes
Symlinks Enabled: NoCheckout is: Valid
Checkout Page: https://www.aworkofcarte.com/checkout/
Success Page: https://www.aworkofcarte.com/checkout/purchase-confirmation/
Failure Page: https://www.aworkofcarte.com/checkout/transaction-failed/
Downloads slug: /downloadsTaxes Enabled: No
Taxes After Discounts: No
Tax Rate: 0%
Country / State Rates:
Registered Post Stati: publish, future, draft, pending, private, trash, auto-draft, inherit, refunded, failed, revoked, abandoned, active, inactive, spamPlatform: Apple
Browser Name: Chrome
Browser Version: 34.0.1847.116
User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Ma
c OS X 10_9_2) AppleWebKit/537.3
6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.
0.1847.116 Safari/537.36PHP Version: 5.3.27
MySQL Version: 5.1.73-cll
Web Server Info: ApacheWordPress Memory Limit: 40MB
PHP Safe Mode: No
PHP Memory Limit: 256M
PHP Upload Max Size: 10M
PHP Post Max Size: 10M
PHP Upload Max Filesize: 10M
PHP Time Limit: 30
PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
PHP Arg Separator: &
PHP Allow URL File Open: Yes
WP_DEBUG: DisabledWP Table Prefix: Length: 14 Status: Acceptable
Show On Front: posts
Page On Front: (#0)
Page For Posts: (#0)WP Remote Post: wp_remote_post() works
Session: Enabled
Session Name: PHPSESSID
Cookie Path: /
Save Path: /tmp
Use Cookies: On
Use Only Cookies: OnDISPLAY ERRORS: On (1)
FSOCKOPEN: Your server supports fsockopen.
cURL: Your server supports cURL.
SOAP Client: Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
SUHOSIN: Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.TEMPLATES:
Akismet: 3.0.0
Easy Digital Downloads: 1.9.8
Elegant Themes Updater: 1.0
Internal Linking for Scheduled Posts: 1.01
Jetpack by WordPress.com: 2.9.3
MailChimp for WordPress Lite: 1.5.8
Ninja Forms: 2.6.1
Pinterest “Pin It” Button Lite: 2.0.3
Pretty Pinterest Pins: 1.2
Simple Share Buttons Adder: 3.9
StarBox: 2.1.0
Taxonomy List Widget: 1.1.2
Types – Complete Solution for Custom Fields and Types: 1.5.5
VaultPress: 1.5.7
WordPress Editorial Calendar: 3.1
WordPress SEO:
WP Smush.it:
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin: 4.1.2
### End System Info ###My theme is a custom build of Divi by Elegant Themes. But it’s just CSS edits mostly.
Would you be able to switch to the default Twenty Twelve theme for me? We know that there is a conflict when EDD is active, but we don’t yet know why that conflict happens. It’s possible it’s a conflict between EDD and the theme or one of the other plugins. Let’s rule out the theme first.
Sure thing. It’s activated.
You’ll have to check for me, it’s not something I can check for you since it’s in the admin side of things ??
Well there’s my derp moment for the day.
It’s the theme. Everything’s working as expected.
Thanks for your help. I’ll let Elegant Themes know about the issue.
Glad to hear it!
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