• Looking for an ecommerce plugin with the following features. I’ve been unable to find a plugin with all these details. Additionally, an ecommerce theme would work with a plugin with the details below.

    – Product shipping variations
    For example, we have a product that can be sold in 1lb, 3lb, 5lb. We don’t want to make three different product ID’s because its the same product. Need functionality to calculate postage depending on the size selected within the product
    – Compatible to accept payments with Authorize.net or Paypal
    – Coupon functionality with product discounts (percentage and dollar value) and free shipping option for certain dollar values
    – USPS or UPS shipping rate calculator
    – Capture abandoned shopping cart customer data (customers that get to the final stage of ordering but do not complete purchase)
    – Obviously needs to be able to use an SSL certificate
    – Tax calculation for one state (WI)
    – Emails receipts to customer and administrator
    – Plugin integrates with Google Analytics Ecommerce tracking (be able to track all orders through GA with keywords search, PPC, etc.)
    – Integrate Icontact.com email marketing service with an order. Customer would check a box to be added to email marketing distribution list and when they complete the order (if they checked the box) the email address would automatically be added a distribution list defined in our account.

    Do not care if we have to pay for plugin or have a plugin customized but just looking for a WP ecommerce plugin with all the above features.

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