ecommerce events missing
since some time (not sure how long) i do not track woocommervce addtocart, checkout events… it used to work. latest plugins , woocommerce , matomo
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Hello @edmundspr. ?Could you please check if ecommerce tracking is enabled by going to?
WP Admin Dashboard -> Matomo Analytics -> Settings
You can also check this GitHub link as it might help fix the issue: @edmundspr. Have you already had a look at our last comment or maybe any question about it?
no it is not working as expected
@edmundspr can you please send us a copy of your system check report so we can investigate on this further?
where to send ?
Hello @edmundspr you can copy paste it on this topic thread.
<details> <summary>Click to view System Check</summary> Mandatory checks PHP version >= 7.2.5: ? 8.1.6 PDO extension: ? PDO\MYSQL extension: ? MYSQLI extension: ? Other required extensions: ? zlib ? json ? filter ? hash ? session Required functions: ? debug_backtrace ? eval ? hash ? gzcompress ? gzuncompress ? pack Required PHP configuration (php.ini): ? session.auto_start = 0 ? max_execution_time = 0 OR = -1 OR >= 30 Directories with write access: ? $DOC_ROOT/tmp ? $DOC_ROOT/tmp/assets ? $DOC_ROOT/tmp/cache ? $DOC_ROOT/tmp/climulti ? $DOC_ROOT/tmp/latest ? $DOC_ROOT/tmp/logs ? $DOC_ROOT/tmp/sessions ? $DOC_ROOT/tmp/tcpdf ? $DOC_ROOT/tmp/templates_c Optional checks Required Private Directories: ? Error: $MATOMO_URLconfig/config.ini.php? Error: $MATOMO_URLtmp/cache/tracker/matomocache_general.php We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.<br/><br/>We also found that Matomo's config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can't read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.<br/><br/>Read this to learn more. Recommended Private Directories: ? Error: $MATOMO_URLtmp/? Error: $MATOMO_URLtmp/empty? Error: $MATOMO_URLlang/en.json We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them. Read this to learn more. File integrity: ? 64-bit PHP Binary: ? Tracker status: ? Memory limit: ? 800M Time zone: ? Open URL: ? curl PageSpeed is turned off: ? GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics): ? Other extensions: ? json ? libxml ? dom ? SimpleXML ? openssl Other functions: ? shell_exec ? set_time_limit ? mail ? parse_ini_file ? glob ? gzopen ? md5_file Filesystem: ? Set up Cron (faster report-loading): ? Warning: For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. Learn more. Set up Cron - Managing processes via CLI: ? Ok Database abilities: ? UTF8mb4 charset ? LOAD DATA INFILE ? CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ? Changing transaction isolation level Max Packet Size: ? Warning: It is recommended to configure a 'max_allowed_packet' size in your MySQL database of at least 64MB. Configured is currently 16MB. Forced SSL Connection: ? Warning: We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add <code>force_ssl = 1</code> to the <code>General</code> section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file. Geolocation: ? geoip2php (continent_code, continent_name, country_code, country_name, region_code, region_name, city_name, postal_code, lat, long) Update over HTTPS: ? Writable JavaScript Tracker ("/matomo.js"): ? Informational results Matomo Version: 4.16.0 Matomo Update History: 4.11.0, Matomo Install Version: 4.11.0 Latest Available Version: 4.16.0 Is Git Deployment: 0 PHP_OS: Linux PHP SAPI: litespeed Timezone Version: 2022.1 PHP Timezone: UTC PHP Time: 1701853018 PHP Datetime: 2023-12-06 08:56:58 PHP INI max_execution_time: 180 PHP INI post_max_size: 8M PHP INI max_input_vars: 1000 PHP INI zlib.output_compression: Curl Version: 7.68.0, OpenSSL/1.1.1f Suhosin Installed: 0 DB Prefix: matomo_ DB Charset: utf8mb4 DB Adapter: PDO\MYSQL MySQL Version: 10.3.34-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 Num Tables: 69 Browser Segment Archiving Enabled: 1 Development Mode Enabled: 0 Internet Enabled: 1 Multi Server Environment: 0 Auto Update Enabled: 1 Custom User Path: 0 Custom Include Path: 0 Release Channel: latest_stable Plugins Activated: API, Actions, Annotations, BulkTracking, Contents, CoreAdminHome, CoreConsole, CoreHome, CorePluginsAdmin, CoreUpdater, CoreVisualizations, CoreVue, CustomDimensions, CustomJsTracker, Dashboard, DevicePlugins, DevicesDetection, Diagnostics, Ecommerce, Events, Feedback, GeoIp2, Goals, Heartbeat, ImageGraph, Insights, Installation, Intl, IntranetMeasurable, LanguagesManager, Live, Login, Marketplace, MobileMessaging, Monolog, Morpheus, MultiSites, Overlay, PagePerformance, PrivacyManager, ProfessionalServices, Proxy, Referrers, Resolution, RssWidget, SEO, ScheduledReports, SegmentEditor, SitesManager, Tour, Transitions, TwoFactorAuth, UserCountry, UserCountryMap, UserId, UserLanguage, UsersManager, VisitFrequency, VisitTime, VisitorInterest, VisitsSummary, WebsiteMeasurable, Widgetize Plugins Deactivated: DBStats, MobileAppMeasurable, TagManager Plugins Invalid: Server Info: LiteSpeed Had visits in last 1 day: 1 Had visits in last 3 days: 1 Had visits in last 5 days: 1 Archive Time Last Started: - Archive Time Last Finished: - User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Browser Language: lv,en-us,en Total Invalidation Count: 1913 In Progress Invalidation Count: 0 Scheduled Invalidation Count: 1913 Earliest invalidation ts_started: Latest invalidation ts_started: Earliest invalidation ts_invalidated: 2022-08-23 00:27:57 Latest invalidation ts_invalidated: 2023-12-06 01:07:49 Number of segment invalidations: 0 Number of plugin invalidations: 0 List of plugins being invalidated: Anonymize Referrer: Do Not Track enabled: 1 </details>
Hi again. For the tracking of your ecommerce data could you try to switch to ‘Enter manually’ mode and remove the tracking code. It should track the ecommerce data.
but if i remove tracking code, how will it track ? i need to set the server
i still do not get add to cart events
can we debug and fix this ?
Hi again @edmundspr. Upon further investigation, you are not using Matomo for WordPress for your website Instead the one you are using is Matomo On-Premise. Kindly review this guide and see the troubleshooting steps to fix the issue:
i am using this , is this not the correct one?
also can you clarify this ? how can i use it without tracking code from my server?
data could you try to switch to ‘Enter manually’ mode and remove the tracking code. It should track the ecommerce data.
Hello @edmundspr. Upon checking the tracking code applied to your website, you should be able to access your
I do apologize for the previous information I mentioned about the tracking code in your Matomo for WordPress. Please disregard that as it’s not the one that is tracking your website.
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