Wow, 2.999? That’s crazy. I can’t believe it’s that high for that. I see someone opened a bug on it last year, but they only referenced one plugin that was being affected ( ). In reality, it affects a good number of plugins I’m sure ( one example – ).
Hmmm. Well, maybe you have a good point. I can see where it would be pretty easy to get near 5 or beyond if that one is basically 3 points. Maybe M&S Consulting will need to update the plugin to try and help with this somehow….
Which website are you using to test your spamassassin score? (I want to try my email and see how it looks and I want to use the same one you’re using, if possible)
So, let’s see…. to make it get rid of the URI_WP_HACKED, the outgoing email will have to use a different URL that spamassassin doesn’t care about. Looks like that will require php changes to email-before-download.php. Currently, it makes the URL by concatenating the WP_PLUGIN_URL constant with /email-before-download/download.php. That would have to be changed. I guess you could hack in a variable a top of the program to give the URL fragment and then replace WP_PLUGIN_URL with that variable. WP_PLUGIN_URL occurs several times — you’d really only need to change the ones that have that download.php addition on the end and ignore the others (like the checkcurl.php and export.php and so forth). That would give you a hacked-in fix for the outgoing email. Then, as you said, you’d need a mod_rewrite statement in your htaccess or webserver config to make the browser go over to the correct wp-content path. That gives you a hacked in fix for now. M&S Consulting would probably want to add a setting in the Settings page to let the user specify what the new url fragment was and, of course, some explanation of what needs to happen. Kinda ugly.
The bottom answer after the “UPDATE:” line of gives an example of using wp_mail to send a multipart mime (text and html) email (though that example would need to be modified slightly to include $attachments and tested to make sure it works [since attachments are multipart mime also]). So, it looks doable, but would require some code changes. Just above the “UPDATE:” line is an example of trying to hook into phpmailer_init and setting AltBody (which would make it send multipart mime with the text version being in AltBody). However, in that example it looks like it’s going to do it for every email sent by wp_mail(), so probably not a good solution (at least not without extra code to try and limit to modifying the outgoing email only when sent by EBD).
So, all in all, a good bit of work for both of them it looks like. You could code try paying the $10 to M&S Consulting and suggest this stuff to them — they might do it since it looks like those 2 items push emails near the spam threshold. The URI_WP_HACKED looks fairly new, so it’s possible folks out there are having some of their outgoing emails ending up as spam and no one has noticed yet and reported it.
Let me know which spamassassin testing site you’re using…