When you import an easyrecipe the prep time and cook time, total time and the picture are not imported.
Beside this, I am glad that you decided to display total time also but I am curious why you display it here and not also on Wp Ultimate recipe.
This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by paulalexandru.
Those fields import just fine on my end. Not sure what’s going wrong. Does it happen for every recipe?
WP Ultimate Recipe has been using passive time for 3 years now, that’s not something I can change because thousands of users are used to it. For this new plugin I decided to go with total time instead to make it more similar to EasyRecipe.
On my blog I have 9 posts which includes 9 easyrecipe. I importend all of them 1 time and I got them without the time and pictures. It’s not a big problem since they are just 9, I can edit them manually but just wanted to let you know that there is a bug somewhere.
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