• deggy


    Brand new to WordPress and have a question. My previous CMS allowed easy linking between pages via a simple syntax ‘%%4%%’ where the number is the previous article within the blog that you want to link to. The link generated was inserted into yout text whenever you inserted the correct syntax and titled for the posts title and all worked very well.
    Is there an easy way to so something similar in WordPress? I’ve googled around alot and come up blank.


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  • davidchait


    My CG-Inline plugin (part of my CG-PowerPack) has a macro or two for things like that, depending on exactly what you want to do. In WP, Pages and Posts are the same things, all based on unique IDs. So long as you know the ID, you can link with something like:

    <!--permalink:43:link text-->

    The link text is optional (and you can also change the title arg of the a-href itself…).

    Actually, I think the version up on my site right now will give the wrong link title if you leave out the text, grabbing the title of the current post… my upcoming release will fix it so if you just want the post-title, you can just have the post ID and nothing else.

    It also has a pagelink macro, that lets you embed links direct to other numbered pages within a long post (good for lengthy reviews, etc.), a query macro (for insta-links to google, yahoo, ask, wikipedia, answers, dictionary, and imdb… more easily added), embedded post-meta data values directly, and of course embedded ‘live’ Amazon product links (in collaboration with my CG-Amazon plugin) with just a product’s ASIN number.

    Does more than that, but those are the ones folks have used. (There’s an image-thumbnail-link thing too, for inline or floating thumbnails pointing to a page showing a bigger version, but I haven’t made it properly accessible to users of the PowerPack yet…).




    I think this is what is being asked of me…
    I’m webmaster of a particular site that I have setup a blog on there with wordpress. And I am not an expert on wordpress by any means. The site was not my design so I made the wordpress blog look just like the rest of the site. The owner would like on the front page (not the blog) the title and date of the 5 latest blog entries based on category. Is there a quick and dirty way of doing this?



    well as it is, the default is to show the 10 most recent posts on the index page. now, i’m personally not sure about sorting that by category, however i do know that in the options section you can limit that to 5, and therefore it would only show the 5 most recent posts. it’d be up to him if he posted in 5 categories or just one.

    i think the other option would be to create a static index page by copying your index.php file and renaming it to “home.php” and then building a link to each category’s top level in there… the home.php page will automatically override the index.php page whenever someone types in the basic URL

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