The first I’ve found is a shortcodes plugin called Shortcodes Ultimate. Using this, I can create a new page, and within that page I add a shortcode that does a posts query. That shortcode is wrapped in another shortcode that specifies a single column. I’m still learning how to use this and it is not a perfect solution yet.
***The second thing I’ve been reading about is that in page and post Screen Options there is a radio box that allows you to select 1 column or 2 columns Layout. But it’s not working! This seems like the obvious solution, but I don’t know why it doesn’t work for me. Really bashing my head against a wall trying to figure something out that seems like it should be simple.
Just to be clear, my posts are currently formatted with the gravatar, author, categories, and tags in a narrow left column, and the content in a wider right column. I would like to get rid of, kill, burn, and destroy the left column and move that info below the title so that I have a single column blog post layout.
I’m looking for *any* way to do this. I don’t know if it involves doing something to my child theme, a plugin, or some other method. I just have no idea.