Code Styling Changes to work with the new update – just in case anyone else has the same problems of the plugin not displaying well in their theme…
The donation amount – styled the width:
<input type="text" name="amount" id="amount" value="'.$dextra['default_value'].'" style="width: 150px;"/>
bring the currency up next to the donation amount:
<small style="position: relative; left: 166px; bottom: 30px;">('.__('Currency: ','dextra').$cur.')</small>
Bring the “how often” box up next to the word “every”:
<input name="p3" id="p3" value="'.$dextra['duration'].'" type="text" style="width: 35px;position: relative;bottom: 24px;left: 42px;" />
Bring the frequency drop down up:
<select name="t3" id="t3" style="width: 125px; position: relative; bottom: 63px; left: 89px;">';
Bring “for” up next to the donation frequency drop down (added a div for styling purposes):
<div style="position: relative; bottom: 49px;"> for</div>
Move the input box for “how many times to repeat” up:
<input name="srt" id="srt" value="'.$dplus['duration'].'" type="text" style="width:20px;position: relative;bottom: 74px;left: 23px;width: 36px;" >
Move up the “times (“0″…” text:
<div style="position: relative; left: 67px; bottom: 106px;"> times <small>("0" means no end date)</small></div>
(placed all of this inside of a div to keep it all together)
Move “donate” button up:
<input type="image" src="'.$button.'" style="background-color: transparent;position: relative;bottom: 105px;" border="0" name="submit" alt="">
I am aware that this may only help me on my site – but, I at least wanted to have the changes easily accessible for my own site. If there is a better way of doing this, I’m all ears – I’m not a css guru