Hello there,
Thank you for your reply. Do you mean you are not receiving the email at all or you mean you are receiving the email but the email doesn’t contain the verification link.
If you are not receiving the verification email at all then please check if you have filled the necessary details in our plugin’s email settings section such as From Name and From Email. Those values shouldn’t resemble to a real person’s name and email and can be values like No Reply and noreply@yoursiteurl where yoursiteurl refers to the URL of your site without http.
If you have filled those details but still you are unable to receive the email then you might also need to confirm if your WordPress is sending the email or not because our plugin uses WordPress default mailing function to send the email. To confirm this please register a new user by checking “Send User Notification” and if the registered email doesn’t receive the registration email then you might need to contact your hosting provider regarding this. Please refer the screenshot below for an easy reference.
Please confirm and let us know the result afterwards.
WP Shuffle