Hi, thanks for the input. When you have the Email Verification or New User Approve options set, if the user doesn’t fill out his own password during registration, the user is not added to active users until they reset the password. Unless something funky happened, that user should be in the users table however the user_status field will be 2 until they reset their password. So have him try to go to the login page and reset his password. Otherwise if you have access to the database go into it and change the user status from 2 to 0 for the user and then they should show up in the Users Table.
You could add the password to the registration form to bypass that problem but if you have email confirm and new user approve set to true then you need to have those done before you can reset the password, after that si done the user will get a reset password link. That is done to better control password strength options.
As for the page not found, the new update creates 5 new templates for Lost Password, Email Confirm, Reset Password, Update Password and Account Locked Out, so my guess is those were not installed properly. Check to see if those pages exist. I also added a field in the posts table ura_post_type to verify my special templates and that field should be ura-page for my templates. If either of those are missing you will get the page not found.
Outside of that without looking at it I don’t know what else to tell you until I have more information, but I will help you as best I can.