I had abandoned a cart as a guest user for testing purpose and for my cart, I am able to receive the abandoned cart reminder email from your site.
Please see the screenshot: https://www.screencast.com/t/m3i1ZlZuKIDr
So, abandoned cart reminder email is being sent from your site.
I would like to let you know that our plugin will send abandoned cart reminder email if the cart status will be “Abandoned” on Abandoned Orders tab. If the status of the cart will be “Abandoned but new cart created after this”, the abandoned cart reminder email will not be sent for the cart.
Also, our plugin will capture the cart when the guest user reaches to the checkout page and enter their email address in “Email Address” field on the checkout page & leave the site.
For logged-in users, carts are tracked from the time when they add the first product to the cart.
So we will send the abandoned cart reminder email to that email address after the email template time has been passed.
Please note that our plugin does not consider the cart as abandoned if the user clicks on the “Proceed to Checkout” button on the checkout page for further payment process.
Let me know if you have any queries with this.
Chetna Bhutka