What was the solution for this? I’m having the same issue.
My appointment (contact) is ‘check_in:2021-09-19 09:30:01’
Today is 2021-09-18.
I just added a filter that contained a part of my mail address (xxx@oniria.be). This just to avoid that by accident, mails where send out to everybody. I’m new to this plugin, so still not sure about my setup. :$
My test appointment, seen from contact:
booking_id:7481 booking_resource:Ben status_data:Approved check_in:2021-09-19 09:30:01 check_out:2021-09-19 10:30:02 dates:2021-09-19 09:30:01 - 2021-09-19 10:30:02 modification_date:2021-09-18 16:12:53 cost: pay_status: name:Ben details:B sync_gid:00frpgf42t6jppqdvtbbn0mkt7_20210919T063000Z rangetime:09:30 - 10:30 type:1 secondname:xxx email:ben@oniria.be phone: straat: huisnummer: postcode: gemeente: doorverwijzer: wpbc_other_action: trash: remark: note:
This is my rule:
`Create email Default, if
default -> check_in = TODAY + 1 DAY
default -> email contain oniria`
When I now (18/09/2021) run it:
`Rule ID=3 Processed 1000 / 3321 contacts and created 0 reminders
Rule ID=3 Processed 2000 / 3321 contacts and created 0 reminders
Rule ID=3 Processed 3000 / 3321 contacts and created 0 reminders
Processed 3321 / 3321 contacts and created 0 reminders
Any ide what i’m doing wrong?
ps maybe a nice feature would be a ‘dry-run’. Just to test it. Maybe an output to the screen instead of directly to mail?