e-mail me whenever anyone posts a comment
In discussion settings I have “e-mail me whenever anyone posts a comment” ticked. Howver, I do noy get e-mails and it is a pain having to keep checking, especially when so few people leave comments!
I have searched the forum and can find some reference to this being set relevant to each user rather than administrator. However, I cannot find instructions to resolve the issue. I am the administrator and sole user. I have my correct e-mail adress in Your Profile >> Contact Info >> e-mail field.
Is there anyone kind enough to give advice please?
Also, as a rerlated matter, I have made test comments which show on my blog even though I have set it not to show comments until I have moderated them. They show even if I am logged out.
Blog url is https://www.duncangroveblog.com Theme is GoodTheme Lead Pro 2.0 (I like the look of it but support is non-existant. I have not donated because of this).
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