• Has anyone developed a plugin that would allow a visitor to e-mail a post to a friend?
    basically, take the permalink to the post, and allow a visitor to fill out a form to e-mail it to a friend.

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  • Solved my problem….. thanks.

    Where can I find a free SMTP server service? Thanks a lot!

    How did you (or anyone) make the links to the blog clickable?

    this is great, thanks a lot!

    quick question
    can spammers abuse this type of service as you are allowing people to send a message via your web form.

    I have certainly received emailed spams when I have ticked a box for ‘subscribe to comments’
    That won’t be the intention of the spammers though – sending me 1000 spams doesn’t raise their googlerank one bit.

    Does this hack have flood control and/or check for the same IP used more than once? Does it deliver the e-mail when more than one e-mail address is entered the “friend’s e-mail” box? I could see an e-mail spammer using the custom message part to include a link to their site. Maybe we can delete the custom message part of the form and then the spammers would have no reason to use it if they can’t include a link to their site… Would that work?
    I’d look at the code/documentation but it looks the plugin site is down right now.

    I am not able to get it to work.
    When I click the /wp-email.php?p=id (some number) I get the error
    No Post Matched Your Criteria
    On debugging I found that the file isn’t going through the following loop:
    if(isset($_POST[‘mail’])) {
    I am not sure what this loop is doing and how can i set mail? Do I have to do it from class-phpmailer.php? or somewhere in my server?
    Thanks in advance.

    Anyone know if this works in 1.3 yet? or have an email plugin for 1.3?

    No and no, not yet -haven’t looked into why it is not working (I just commented the link to wp-email out for now).

    I just tried it in 1.3 and it doesn’t even appear in the plugs list for activation.
    further: it provides the file “class-smtp.php” which is already in the wp-includes folder.
    maybe there’ll be an update when daddy-o moves up to 1.3?
    who knows.
    i’d love to employ the sending of posts to friends.

    I think the problem in 1.3 is that, the post id is not posted to wp-email.php.

    Has anybody able to solve the problem? Or is there any similar hack/plugin?



    hmmm. i didn’t feel like i was overwriting anything like an smtp mailer when i put the includes up on my server, but then, i don’t remember being born, either…

    anyway, yeh, I’m also having trouble on 1.3/1.5 – i always get the error message that “no posts match that criteria” – so what _g_ is saying (above) make sense. is there a way to “massage” the link to make it look like it’s supposed to, and send wp-email the necessary information?



    After much ado, I’ve made a couple tweaks to Lester’s plugin which will allow it to work with WP 1.5 (if anyone is interested)

    on line 42, change
    $post = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT $tableposts.ID, post_name, post_date, post_title, post_content, user_nickname FROM $tableposts LEFT JOIN $tableusers ON $tableusers.ID = $tableposts.post_author WHERE $tableposts.ID = $p AND post_date_gmt <= '$now' AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_password = ''");
    $post = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT post_name, post_date, post_title, post_content, post_author FROM wp_posts WHERE ID = '$p' AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_password = ''");

    and on line 48, change:
    $user_nickname = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($post->user_nickname));
    $post_author = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($post->post_author));

    and on line 62 and 63, make sure to change $user_nickname to $post_author

    and on line 86, change:
    <?php if ($post) { start_wp(); ?>
    <?php if (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?>

    After that you should be good to go ?? – if you want to integrate it with your theme, drop in <?php get_header(); ?> just above <?php if (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?> and <?php get_footer(); ?> on the very last line.

    HTH someone

    sorry, which files are you editing?

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