Hy buddy!
I found the solution, after half day searching! Forget about all these
complex solutinos. Follow these steps, problem will be fixed for sure:
1) Go to “shop” in WP settings => go to “presentation”tab
2) Check “wpsc-shopping_cart_page.php” in theme setting and move template.
3) Click “flush theme cash” to activate live editor in theme editor
4)Go to “display” => “Editor” and locate now “wpsc-shopping_cart_page.php”
5)So in this PHP they have put a standard pemalink to ur shopping cart. My hint
is to visit ur shopping cart, copy the URL from internet.
6) use the search function inside the wpsc_shopping_cart.php and you will have to replace a certain line of code a couple of times in the program, by your own checkout URL.
Replace exactly this line =>
“<?php echo get_option(‘shopping_cart_url’); ?>”
By this =>
This will reroute the standard permalink to your shopping cart.
Make sure you use the correct shortcodes for the corresponding pages!
eg: [productspage] and [transaction-results]… google to know more.
Good luck! This will save u 1 day work!