Dysplaying images to guests – not working
Hello . I’m developing a website (almost ready) on WordPress 4.0 with Forked theme and I have a problem with displaying images from page-content to other users, and by that i mean to users that are not logged in.
If im logged in, on this – page – there I can see a picture of a pie that I’ve included on that page. When i log off, the content isn’t even formated proprely(i think you will see if you access the link.)
I’ve tryed everything from all topics about – “displaying image bug” :
– changed perms to 755 to my /uploads folder and all files/subfolders
– checked if content-page displays only if logged in and it’s not
– disabled all pluginsLOGGED IN <div id="post-1480" class="post-1480 page type-page status-publish hentry"> <p> If you want to surprise your guests with something special and easy, enjoy a <b>Pie Party</b>. <br> <b>A Pie Party comprises</b> : <br> – Pie of your choice <br> – Salad <br> – Soft drink <br> Once you have decided on your pie selection, type of salad and choice of soft drinks, you simply come and collect the lot at our location in Lausanne. This snazzy concept comes to the mere price of CHF 15.- per person. <br> All merchandise will be given with clear instructions on how to heat. <br> <img class="alignnone wp-image-1591 size-medium" width="300" height="168" alt="pie" src="https://in-fine.dg-site.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/pie-300x168.jpg"> <br> Of course if would like pies for one of your events but require delivery or a service team, this can of coursed be organised. <br> For those pie connoisseurs who just want a taste form back home, don’t hesitate to directly order via In Finé your selection of pies. <br> Here is the <b>selection of authentic English pies</b> that we have on offer: <br> – Jumbo sausage rolls <br> – Chicken Tikka <br> – Chicken and mushroom pasty <br> – Vegetable and goat cheese pie <br> All pies are CHF 7.- a piece </p> </div> LOGGED OUT <div id="post-1480" class="post-1480 page type-page status-publish hentry"> <p>If you want to surprise your guests with something special and easy, enjoy a – Pie of your choice – Salad – Soft drink Once you have decided on your pie selection, type of salad and choice of soft drinks, you simply come and collect the lot at our location in Lausanne. This snazzy concept comes to the mere price of CHF 15.- per person. All merchandise will be given with clear instructions on how to heat. Of course if would like pies for one of your events but require delivery or a service team, this can of coursed be organised. For those pie connoisseurs who just want a taste form back home, don’t hesitate to directly order via In Finé your selection of pies. Here is the – Jumbo sausage rolls – Chicken Tikka – Chicken and mushroom pasty – Vegetable and goat cheese pie All pies are CHF 7.- a piece</p> </div>
– when logged in the content is formated exactly as it’s typed by me on backend but when logged off the <img> tag isn’t there, like any other html tags.
– srry for my bad english hope you get what I’m trying to say.
Thx in advance!P.S. I’ve checked for HotLink protection on cPanel but it’s disabled…
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