Home / Fixing WordPress / Dynamic Website
5 years, 12 months ago
I need to create a dynamic website with wordpress. I need to know it’s possible and how?
WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support
What are your requirements? It’s probably possible, but you should consider whether WordPress is more appropriate than other tools.
I need to create a dynamic website with DB management. Is it possible what I’ve to do for that?
Yes, but those are not requirements.
My client needs that. Simply I need to do CRUD operation. Somebody told me that WordPress accepts PHP and MySql to perform CRUD. I don’t know how I can establish my need more than this!
Then the answer is yes.
Install WordPress and use its default functionality, and you’ll be able to create, read, update and delete data in multiple ways.
Can I use any other DB and Programming language in WordPress?