• Hello Tesla-Team and everybody,

    I want to get dynamic titles in Login/Registry forms. For Example:

    If i go to the login-area (/wp-login.php), there are should be display as title: ,,Anmelden”. If i visit the registry-area (/wp-login.php?action=register) there are display following title: ,,Registrieren”. It`s this possible?

    In the normal settings, i can only change the title for both forms.

    i am pleased about any help.
    Thank you very much!

    Best regards ??

    Adam Rzychon

    Witam was – Tesla Team,

    Ja chcia?bym miec dynamiszne tytuly na Login in Registry.
    Na pszyklad:

    Jak moj odwiedzaj?cy jest na stronie (wp/login.php), powinien zobaczyc tytul Login ,,Anmelden”. Jak on jest na stronie (/wp-login.php?action=register) powinien on zobaczyc tytul ,,Registrieren”. Jest to mo?liwe?

    Jaki Kod ja poszebujem.
    Ja barzo bendem sie cieszy? za kaszdom pomoc ??

    Ja jeszte zdrobilem obrazek, jak to powino wyglandac ??


    Serdeczne pozdrowiena ??

    Adam Rzychon


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  • Plugin Author TeslaThemes


    Hi Adam,
    for no we don’t have such a feature, but we will consider to add it in the further update.
    Best regards, Tesla Team

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