• Hello all!

    I’m popping by for some ideas and suggestions on how to achieve the functionality I am looking to implement. Even though I already have a fairly basic idea of how I can achieve it, I thought I’d ask the experts and see if there are any easier ways of doing it.
    What I want to do

    Basically I am setting up a site that for the most part will act as a static website, apart from a “News” section which I’ll be using the blog section for. What I want to do is set it up so that the sidebars are dynamic. More specifically I want to make it so that when you’re viewing a Page the sidebar will only contain links to all the subpages.

    The only exception to this is the News / Blog section where the sidebar will be a more traditional with archives and what not.

    How to achieve this?

    That’s the question! What I’m thinking so far is to create multiple widgetized sidebars as outlined here. The question that springs to mind however is:

    Is it possible to create a sidebar, with the help of a widget, that automatically lists the subpages, and also keeps this sidebar when you go to view one the of the subpages? Ie. is there a generic statement I can use that says something like “List all subpages of the parent”, or do I need to create a statement for each of the pages (if is page something something include subpages).

    Any pointers on how to achieve this functionality would be greatly appreciated!

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  • larscsim, I’m not going to be much help to you. I’m trying to figure out something close to your issue. Let me ask you – have you read ?

    The trouble I’m having with creating a separate template for the blog page is that you loose a lot of default behavior.

    I’d like to be able to display a dynamic sidebar using the default template.

    I’m going to make a post now.


    You can install Widget Logic
    I will give every widget another box to define what pages it should show on using wordpress conditions. Like: is_single() is_front_page()
    This way you have one sidebar in your template.

    You can read on how to create widgets and put code in it to list all subpages of parent based on the ID of the current viewed page.

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