• Another problem I’m having is that when I have an if statment,

    if its true I want it to return hand-coded text AND dynamic text determined by what page it is.

    I’ve figured out how to do that, but the problem is the dynamic text always displays first even if in the code I write it second, or between two “hand written” text snippets.

    Anyone know how to get around this?

    Here’s one example of what I mean:

    foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) {
        echo $category->cat_name . ' ';
    if (is_single()) wp_title('-',true,'right').$category_name;
    else bloginfo('name');
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  • One thing is for certain… your code is a little messed up:

    if (is_single()) wp_title('-',true,'right').$category_name;
    else bloginfo('name');


    if( is_single() ) {
        print wp_title( '-', false, 'right') . ' ' . $category_name;
    Thread Starter gmisen


    cool thanks,
    im still trying to get the hang of how to write in php
    unfortunately this is the one language where if your grammar is wrong noone knows what the hell you’re tying to say.

    so i figured it out, mostly trial and erroring a lot of stuff on this page:

    still not really sure what determines the order of how my text and the category display, (maybe the false/true in wp_title?) but heres the code i found that eventually worked:

    $category = get_the_category();
    The Website: 
    <?php if (is_page()) the_title();
          elseif (is_home()) bloginfo('name');
          elseif (is_archive()) bloginfo('name');
          elseif (is_single()) echo ' ' . $category[0]->cat_name .
            else echo "!!!";
    Thread Starter gmisen


    just a follow up to this, its haunting me again. It seems like it should be so simple…

    I have this code in my header, if the header is loaded on a archive page, i want some text to read: Posts for Jaunary 2008

    So I used this code:

    <div class="main_page_tag">
    <?php if (is_home()) bloginfo('description'); 
    elseif (is_month()) echo "Posts for " . the_time('F, Y');
    else bloginfo('description'); ?>

    But on my blog it shows up as: January,2008Posts for

    why does it keep reversing the order? I’m so confused!!!!

    You have to be aware that many WordPress Template Tags will print/echo the value you want. If you put these tags inside a print/echo string – php will get confused and mess up the order. Basically, you need to make two statements. Please see the following code. I would strongly suggest using curly braces.

    <div class="main_page_tag">
    if ( is_home() ) {
    elseif ( is_month() ) {
    	echo "Posts for ";
    	the_time('F, Y');
    else {
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