I understand your point of view. Please allow me comment on it to some extend;
1. Donations on free plugins have always been a troubling issue. It has caused the end of some great projects. A huge discussion on this point erupted when the author of buddypress privacy component quit his project for this very reason.
I truly believe this has to do with human nature. If something is offered free, you take it and don’t look back. I don’t think many people (with the exeption of branche collegues) appreciate the work a developer puts into the product. With wordpress plugins this is even more of an issue because the main platform is free itself.
If money is an issue for you, i don’t think you have many options other then changing AI into a paid plugin.
2. Votes follow the same reasoning. They don’t cost the user anything, but why would they come back to the repository page if the plugin was installed succesfuly, and is working for them? Perhaps a small notice (plea) in the plugin admin screen could help this out a bit, but again…most people are a bit selfish.
3. The first two points were rather general. To go into the “marketing” of your specific plugin, I believe your repository page (and to some extend the plugins backend) is rather daunting to the avarage wordpress user (who knows little to nothing about code and less about iframes). Just because your plugin is free doesn’t mean it cannot benefit from a bit of sales text. A list of functions most visitors don’t understand may not do the trick, and might even scare some away.
To illustrate this, if i type the following into google; ‘advanced if’
Autofill gives me these suggestions;
1. Advanced Iframe
2. …..(not relevant here)
3. Advanced Iframe tutorial
Well, just my two cents. Please understand that i only offered them because i sincerely hope that they will help, and that your plugin (which i love) will become as succesful as you want it to be.
My offer to test 3.2 can be considered an open offer. When/If you ever decide to build it, i will test it if you want me to.