• Resolved iamsolitude


    hi, this table is very helpful and additional functionality is awesome. I just have one suggestion which will make this table complete atleast for guys like me who use ACF or similar plugins for their websites. Kindly add dynamic content, atleast for the button block to get dynamic links/url from ACF fields. Thanks for making this plugin I have been searching for such for long time. Keep up the good work

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  • Plugin Author Imtiaz Rayhan


    Hi @iamsolitude,

    Thank you very much for your kind words.

    We have that on our to-do list. We will bring it in a future release.

    Please let us know if you would like to see any other features/functionalities.

    Kind regards.

    Plugin Contributor Istiak Rayhan


    Hi @iamsolitude ,

    We have started working on the ACF integration.

    Can you please tell me us more about the use cases of the ACF integration you need?


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