• Resolved mnead


    Looking for help figuring out how to recover site. During the upgrade to 2.8, site went down. I uploading all the new files from the download, and got several error messages when going to the site.

    SO, to recover, I went back and uploaded my old back up files, but the problem did not go away. If you go to https://www.top20training.com you see this

    Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: translations in /home/content/t/o/p/top20training/html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 407

    Any ideas to fix? Or other sources for help?

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  • you need to upload the wp-includes/po directory

    Thread Starter mnead


    thanks!! Appreciate the assistance from a fellow Minnesotan.

    I checked and the file does appear to be on the server.
    Assuming your are refering to folder: wp-includes/pomo/po ???

    Tried uploading old wp-includes folder and new folder to see if it made a difference, but the same error message comes up

    hi, yah i mistypped it .


    and the files need to be immeditely inside that directory:


    Thread Starter mnead


    Ok. There all there. But issue still exists. https://www.top20training.com

    Thinking through my steps here and where error might have occurred,
    when I did try the upgrade to 2.8, I had all the new files override the old ones when the file name was the same. Assume that is correct? Or are there some duplicates files from original that need to stay?

    Given the time the site has been down, I just tried to pull all my old files back but that didn’t solve it either. I did notice that the old directory for wp-includes did not have the pomo folder.

    The instructions to upgrade manually is to backup, delete both wp-admin and wp-includes then upload the new files and folders.

    If you upgrade without deleting those 2 folders it botches up as not all files get overwriten and leaves comflict between the versions. If thats what happened to you then you might want to delete those folders and re-upload fresh copies.

    Thread Starter mnead


    Thanks. I did as you said and I was able to at least get the old site back up.

    Then proceeded with a fresh install more closely following the directions (deleting wp-admin and wp-includes) and still got the same error message noted above about wp-includes. So, started over again and have my old 2.5 version back up.

    Now begining a 3rd try, I see there is one thing I may have missed b/c it did make sense. It is this noted as an additional Step 1 under Step 1 in the Upgrade directions:

    1.As a reminder, to extract a tar.gz to a folder use this command, replacing (folder name) with the name of your folder: tar -xvzf latest.tar.gz -C ./(folder name)

    I saved the wordpress-2.8.4 tar to my desk top but I’m not following what it being asked here. Replace an old file with this new one?

    And if this is something that is not critical to the upgrade, any other suggestions? I am combing the extended instructions now.

    Thread Starter mnead


    I just tried again and continue to get the same error. Trying everything possible here to see what might being going wrong.

    Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: translations in /home/content/t/o/p/top20training/html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 407

    Does anyone know if the order matters on the upload of new files? (for step 2 & 3)???
    1. Delete wp-includes and wp-admin
    2. Upload new wp-includes and wp-admin
    3. Upload new php files

    at a loss

    If you are going from 2.5 to 2.8 you might have to upgrade incrementally– 2.6, then 2.7, then 2.8.

    Interestingly, my 2.8 l10n.php doesn’t have a line 407, and neither does a copy of 2.7. Have you disabled all of your plugins? Or did you disable your plugins before you started the upgrade? My guess is that a plugin is trying to use a class that 1) doesn’t exist or 2) that lives in a different file than it used to and so isn’t being found.

    Thread Starter mnead


    The plug-ins were indeed part of the issue. There was an plug-in update for Akismet in the admin folder for 2.8 that did not get uploaded.

    The other issue was that I could not get the new wp-config settings to take. I had updated the new wp-config in the 2.8 folder, matched the settings in 2.5, but it would not work. I ended using the old 2.5 wp-config and just changed a setting or two and it worked.

    Hi there,

    I encountered the same error and found (at least for my install) a solution.

    During the upgrade process I didn’t copy the wp-settings.php to the server because I mistakenly mixed it up with the wp-config.php (thought it would overwrite my server settings).

    Adding the wp-setting.php to the installation did the trick.



    i got this error when trying to do an auto update to the 2.8.4

    Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: translations in /mnt/w0009/d43/s44/b02a50d2/www/truetasteofitaly.com/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 407

    I cant go back into the admin dashboard…any suggestions?


    yep …i did everything u all mentioned above and still the same error.

    Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: translations in /mnt/w0009/d43/s44/b02a50d2/www/truetasteofitaly.com/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 407

    whats next Doc?


    anyone any other ideas on this?


    Go here and get the correct download:

    I originally downloaded latest version and came up with the same errors, when I downloaded from here, the install was smooth as silk.

    I had the same issue/error when I went from 2.7.1 to 2.8.4. I got the error when I uploaded my old 2.7.1 wp_settings file into my 2.8.4 install. Once I replace it with an edited version of the 2.8.4 everything came back.

    still using the old wp_config file… hope that is okay.

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