I found a workaround and my Instant WordPress works again.
For reference, I will describe below what I know and how I solved it. It may help you with the next version.
The issue was that the way a duplicated Instant WordPress local website did see it, the database seem to be stuck on a date in November 2013, out of synch. Anything added after that did not update in Instant WordPress and
To fix it:
– I learned about and installed Xampp as I was searching for an alternate to Instant WordPress.
– After several tries I was able to create a successful localhost copy of my website in Xampp.
– From the Xampp local website, I created a Duplicator package
– I used this Duplicator package to deploy it in Instant WordPress
This created a perfect, up to date Duplicator copy. Since then I can create and deploy Duplicator packages again in Instant WordPress without any problems. It appears that Xampp fixed something in the database that caused the Duplicator or Instant WordPress to cause an error.
For reference, after I imported the SQL database into Xampp, I followed instructions that I found on the internet and issued the follwoing three SQL commands before opening the Xampp localhost copy of the website.
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, ‘https://www.macgregorbc.com’, ‘https://localhost/wordpress’) WHERE option_name = ‘home’ OR option_name = ‘siteurl’;
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, ‘https://www.macgregorbc.com’, ‘https://localhost/wordpress’);
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, ‘https://www.macgregorbc.com’, ‘https://localhost/wordpress’);
If you are interested in testing and recreating the error, I can email or send you by Dropbox a Duplicator package from December 2013 that will deploy into a package where the database is out of sync.
In any case, I really appreciate the Instant WordPress environment that you created and am glad that it is working ok again.