• Thanks for building this nice plugin. Though I encountered the following issue:

    WP: v4.1
    ACF: v4.4.0
    ACF:Meta Location Rule: v1.0.5

    Expected result: Every time rule field is changed in a custom-post add/edit page, the field group with tabs appear.

    Actual result: Every time rule field is changed in a custom-post add/edit page, the field group with tabs appears multiple times. Resulting set of tabs being displayed repeatedly.

    Action taken: I revised action_acf_input_admin_head() in \wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-meta-location-rule\acf-meta-location-rules.php to make $this->location_rule_fields unique.

    original code:

    function action_acf_input_admin_head()
    		if (!$this->location_rule_fields) return;
    		?><script>var ACF_META_LOCATION_RULE_FIELDS = <?= json_encode($this->location_rule_fields); ?>;</script><?php

    mod code:

    function action_acf_input_admin_head()
    		if (!$this->location_rule_fields) return;
        $location_rule_fields = array_unique($this->location_rule_fields);
    		?><script>var ACF_META_LOCATION_RULE_FIELDS = <?= json_encode($location_rule_fields); ?>;</script><?php

    I temporarily have the above mod-code while waiting for the plugin update.


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