• Like a few people here, I’ve had issues with the reposter continuously posting the same content.

    My WP is currently set to only repost but ignore posts ones with certain tags. I followed your cron set-up instructions and everything is set ok and working fine (autoposts work fine).

    My only solution to stop the reposter from duplicating is to add the tags I’ve excluded to each post AFTER they have been reposted. Removing the tag causes previously ignored content to be reposted.

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  • I have the same problem, in my Blog the plugin dosn’t set the custom field which marks the post a already reposted. Once the Custom field is set, posts get excluded.

    Does it set the custom field in your case?
    I already opened a Ticket on that – [Ticket#NXS530208] – but I didn’t get any yet answer.

    Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter flamingmo


    I reset the reposter again a few days ago and – touch wood – it looks like all the newly reposted articles are having that field set now.

    The issue now is all the older articles that I’ve tagged to be ignored. If I remove those tags, the reposter jumps back to repost them instead of continuing in sequence.

    I’m wondering if there’s a way to spoof the custom ID’s value…?

    Hm, I’m not quiet sure if I really understand you:
    There are plugins where you can bulk-edit the custom field value.

    And – a bit dangerous and I don’t want to be the reason to crash your database:
    You can download the wp-postmeta table in your database and edit in excel the meta_value and the meta_id and than reupload it… I did that recently, but again, carefull.

    While my reposting action for the moment works..
    Before I tried to repost new posts (because of an now resolved issue with autopost), maybe thats what didn’t work?

    Has anybody an idea about that just to understand things better?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter flamingmo


    Ignore me about the custom fields.

    My reposter has since died (3 days ago, to be precise!)

    In fact even auto posts no longer work.

    Plugin Author NextScripts


    Do you have WP Cron setup correctly?

    Please go to the Log/History page and check only “All Cron Events” checkbox.

    You should see ONLY crons executed from WGET or Mozilla every one or two minutes. If you see nothing at all, calls from “WordPress/4.x.x” or calls made at irregular time intervals, your cron is not set correctly.

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