• When ever I add product it ends up going onto my Product page twice..actually three times. I see from different posts that this might have something to do with Up-Sells? I don’t really know about that (how and where do you define an upsell in WooCommerce; am I accidentally adding an Up Sell??) but all I know is when I add a product, it shows up twice on the Product page and then again down below near the bottom after a line that says: Showing the single result.. so mine are showing up 3 times lol. HELP

    ** I also know that some posters have tried to solve it by editing the Woo commerce-hooks.php file. Won’t this get overridden when the Plugin gets updated? I guess I’m looking for the CORRECT way to solve this so nothing gets changed upon any updates ??

    Any help would be appreciated!


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  • Hello,
    I’m having the same issue.. Did you ever figure out how to fix it? Thanks!


    Up sells and cross sells are set, or not set, on each product page / Linked products tab.

    Related products can be removed with:

    remove_action('woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_output_related_products', 20);

    I’ve put this in my custom_functions.php file with other bespoke stuff, so after an upgrade I just need to add the hook from functions.php:
    include_once ('custom_functions.php');

    The recommended way to do it is to use a child theme.

    I have the same problem.

    If I click the woocommerce products tab on the left, there in only one product. But at the top All and Published says two. Clicking the link does not show the other product for editing.

    So I cannot delete the extra one. They are the same, incidentally.

    If I look up products in the live store there is the real and the same fake one, and I can add both the cart and can checkout. So they are there but not really.

    Something weird with the database, I guess. Can anyone suggest steps to troubleshoot this? A reindex? Or what?

    At the top of the products management page
    All (2) Published (2)

    But only one product listed, clicking the (2) link does not display two products, there is only one.

    The add to cart button links differ, so I assume that is where the problem came from. Two different post ids.


    The second one is the unwanted duplicate.

    There is a database repair script though I’m not confident it will solve this problem. Go to your browser and enter:
    https://www.(your domain name).com/wp-admin/maint/repair.php
    The first run gives instructions. Carry out the instructions and the next run does the repair.

    I did that.

    I added the line to my wp-config.php file and reloaded the page.
    I got no difference.

    Also no indication that it repaired anything.
    But I don’t know if there is supposed to be such an indication.

    So I dunno.

    Well, I tried it again, and this time I did get a response.
    I dunno what happened the first time.

    It does not appear to have solved the problem.

    The wp_users table is okay.

    The wp_usermeta table is okay.

    The wp_posts table is okay.

    The wp_comments table is okay.

    The wp_links table is okay.

    The wp_options table is okay.

    The wp_postmeta table is okay.

    The wp_terms table is okay.

    The wp_term_taxonomy table is okay.

    The wp_term_relationships table is okay.

    The wp_commentmeta table is okay.

    The wp_woocommerce_termmeta table is okay.

    The wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta table is okay.

    Repairs complete. Please remove the following line from wp-config.php to prevent this page from being used by unauthorized users.

    define(‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true);

    Please post the url of the page to enable some checks to be run.

    You can delete product 59 in the database by editing the database directly. If you have cpanel, go to phpMyAdmin, select your site’s WordPress database and go to the wp_posts table. Delete the record with ID = 59. Other hosts may have different database tools.

    Of course it shouldn’t be like this so there may be some corruption or conflict in the file set. It can be difficult to track down exactly what. If it keeps happening there are various debug steps to try.

    I went in with PHP My Admin and deleted both products, I will recreate it.

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