I checked your site: you have enabled both the classic and enhanced ecommmerce. Which one would you like to use?
I can see that for example the gtm4wp.addProductToCartEEC GTM event fires correctly but I do not see that a GA event is fired upon this GTM event. This indicates a misconfigured GTM setup.
I placed a test order: #20447
I can see that the corresponding ecommerce data is shown in the data layer:
ecommerce: {
currencyCode: "EUR",
purchase: {
actionField: {
id: "20447",
affiliation: "",
revenue: 17.979999999999997,
tax: "3.42",
shipping: "1.26",
coupon: ""
products: [
id: "JTG-001",
name: "Armband - Buchstaben",
sku: "JTG-001",
category: "Armb?nder",
price: 16.72,
currency: "EUR",
stocklevel: null,
quantity: 1
I can also see that the transaction data is present in the GA hit:
v: "1",
_v: "j73",
aip: "1",
a: "513087644",
t: "pageview",
cu: "EUR",
_s: "1",
dl: "https://www.jewelstogo.de/kasse/order-received/20447/?key=xxxxxxxx",
ul: "en-us",
de: "UTF-8",
dt: "Kasse ? Jewels to go",
sd: "24-bit",
sr: "1536x864",
vp: "1794x369",
je: "0",
_u: "SCCAAEAL~",
jid: "547360109",
gjid: "754767909",
cid: "88888888.88888888",
tid: "UA-68325338-3",
_gid: "88888888.88888888",
_r: "1",
gtm: "xxxxxxxxx",
ti: "20447",
ta: "",
tr: "17.979999999999997",
tt: "3.42",
ts: "1.26",
tcc: "",
pa: "purchase",
pr1id: "JTG-001",
pr1nm: "Armband - Buchstaben",
pr1ca: "Armb?nder",
pr1pr: "16.72",
pr1qt: "1",
z: "547470233",
statusCode: 302
You have many 3rd party card provider as a payment option: please make sure that for all cases the auto return option is set:
I do not know how to set this up with your other gateways but it is mandatory that the user visits your order received page so that the corresponding transaction tracking can fire.
When I reload the order received page I was on after placing the order, transaction data is correctly hidden and the GA hit does not include any transaction data.
Could you please check how many times order #20447 is present in your GA reports?